v1.0.3: Support string list, with TTL
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# RedisLookupPlugin Plugin for Graylog
Plugin to add Redis Data Adapter in read/write to graylog so you can store and retrieve key/values from pipelines
Plugin to add Redis Data Adapter in read/write to graylog so you can store and retrieve key/values and lists of string values from pipelines
Support Redis authentication (with password and username/password)
**Required Graylog version:** 5.0 and later
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ Support Redis authentication (with password and username/password)
[Download the plugin](https://git.nosd.in/yo/graylog-redis-lookup-plugin/releases/download/v1.0.0/graylog-plugin-redis-lookup-1.0.0.jar)
[Download the plugin](https://git.nosd.in/yo/graylog-redis-lookup-plugin/releases/download/v1.0.3/graylog-plugin-redis-lookup-1.0.3.jar)
and place the `.jar` file in your Graylog plugin directory. The plugin directory
is the `plugins/` folder relative from your `graylog-server` directory by default
and can be configured in your `graylog.conf` file.
@ -35,8 +35,18 @@ Usage
* Use 'lookup_clear_key(lookup_table, key)' to remove key
* Use 'lookup_has_value(lookup_table, key)' to test key existence
* Use 'lookup_assign_ttl(lookup_table, key, ttl)' to change TTL of existing key
* Use 'lookup_set_string_list(lookup_table, key, value, [ttl])' to create a list named "key"
* Use 'lookup_add_string_list(lookup_table, key, value, [keep_duplicates])' to add value list to existing list
* Use 'lookup_remove_string_list(lookup_table, key, value) to remove a string from list "key"
By default keys will be created in Redis with the default TTL defined at data adapter creation time
By default single value keys will be created in Redis with the default TTL defined at data adapter creation time
Be aware that only setting TTL with 'lookup_assign_ttl' of 'lookup_set_string_list' alter TTL value in Redis ; so a list created with a TTL of 3600 will expire in 3600 seconds, even if it was updated with 'lookup_add_string_list' some seconds before expiration.
Known bugs
Deletion via lookup_remove_string_list, lookup_clear_key or keep_duplicates=false sometimes not done.
Getting started
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
<description>Graylog ${project.artifactId} plugin.</description>
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
@ -77,8 +77,14 @@ public class RedisLookupDataAdapter extends LookupDataAdapter {
private final Meter redisDelRequestErrors;
private final Timer redisAssignTtlRequestTimer;
private final Meter redisAssignTtlRequestErrors;
private final Timer redisAddStringListRequestTimer;
private final Meter redisAddStringListRequestErrors;
private final Timer redisSetStringListRequestTimer;
private final Meter redisSetStringListRequestErrors;
private final Timer redisSetStringListWithTtlRequestTimer;
private final Meter redisSetStringListWithTtlRequestErrors;
private final Timer redisRemoveStringListRequestTimer;
private final Meter redisRemoveStringListRequestErrors;
public RedisLookupDataAdapter(@Assisted("dto") DataAdapterDto dto,
@ -107,8 +113,14 @@ public class RedisLookupDataAdapter extends LookupDataAdapter {
this.redisDelRequestErrors = metricRegistry.meter(MetricRegistry.name(getClass(), "redisDelRequestErrors"));
this.redisAssignTtlRequestTimer = metricRegistry.timer(MetricRegistry.name(getClass(), "redisAssignTtlRequestTime"));
this.redisAssignTtlRequestErrors = metricRegistry.meter(MetricRegistry.name(getClass(), "redisAssignTtlRequestErrors"));
this.redisAddStringListRequestTimer = metricRegistry.timer(MetricRegistry.name(getClass(), "redisAddStringListRequestTime"));
this.redisAddStringListRequestErrors = metricRegistry.meter(MetricRegistry.name(getClass(), "redisAddStringListRequestErrors"));
this.redisSetStringListRequestTimer = metricRegistry.timer(MetricRegistry.name(getClass(), "redisSetStringListRequestTime"));
this.redisSetStringListRequestErrors = metricRegistry.meter(MetricRegistry.name(getClass(), "redisSetStringListRequestErrors"));
this.redisSetStringListWithTtlRequestTimer = metricRegistry.timer(MetricRegistry.name(getClass(), "redisSetStringListWithTtlRequestTime"));
this.redisSetStringListWithTtlRequestErrors = metricRegistry.meter(MetricRegistry.name(getClass(), "redisSetStringListWithTtlRequestErrors"));
this.redisRemoveStringListRequestTimer = metricRegistry.timer(MetricRegistry.name(getClass(), "redisRemoveStringListRequestTime"));
this.redisRemoveStringListRequestErrors = metricRegistry.meter(MetricRegistry.name(getClass(), "redisRemoveStringListRequestErrors"));
@ -135,6 +147,11 @@ public class RedisLookupDataAdapter extends LookupDataAdapter {
private String getSingleValue(String key) {
final String value = this.commands.get(key);
return value;
protected LookupResult doGet(Object key) {
final Timer.Context time = redisGetRequestTimer.time();
@ -144,15 +161,22 @@ public class RedisLookupDataAdapter extends LookupDataAdapter {
return getEmptyResult();
try {
final String value = this.commands.get(trimmedKey);
if (value == null) {
LOG.debug("Redis GET request for key <{}> returned null, key do not exists.", trimmedKey);
return LookupResult.empty();
// Get item type and existence
final String type = this.commands.type(trimmedKey);
switch(type) {
case "none":
LOG.debug("Redis TYPE request for key <{}> returned null, key do not exists.", trimmedKey);
return LookupResult.empty();
case "list":
final List<String> result = this.commands.lrange(trimmedKey, 0, -1);
return LookupResult.withoutTTL().stringListValue(result).build();
final String value = getSingleValue(trimmedKey);
return LookupResult.single(value);
return LookupResult.single(value);
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.error("Redis GET request error for key <{}>", trimmedKey, e);
LOG.error("Exception: Redis GET request error for key <{}>", trimmedKey, e);
return LookupResult.empty();
} finally {
@ -188,7 +212,7 @@ public class RedisLookupDataAdapter extends LookupDataAdapter {
return LookupResult.single(value.toString());
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.error("Redis SET(EX) key <{}> to value <{}> with TTL <{}> returned an exception: {}", key, value, ttlSec, e);
LOG.error("Exception: Redis SET(EX) key <{}> to value <{}> with TTL <{}> returned {}", key, value, ttlSec, e);
return LookupResult.withError();
} finally {
@ -201,14 +225,14 @@ public class RedisLookupDataAdapter extends LookupDataAdapter {
final Timer.Context time = redisDelRequestTimer.time();
final String trimmedKey = StringUtils.trimToNull(key.toString());
try {
final Long result = this.commands.del(key.toString());
final Long result = this.commands.del(trimmedKey);
if (result != 1) {
LOG.debug("Redis DEL key <{}> returned {}", key, result);
LOG.debug("Redis DEL key <{}> returned {}", trimmedKey, result);
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.error("Redis DEL key <{}> returned {}", key, e);
LOG.error("Exception: Redis DEL key <{}> returned {}", trimmedKey, e);
} finally {
@ -218,30 +242,32 @@ public class RedisLookupDataAdapter extends LookupDataAdapter {
private LookupResult setExpire(String key, Long ttl) {
try {
final Boolean result = this.commands.expire(key, ttl);
if (!result) {
LOG.warn("Redis EXPIRE key <{}> to <{}> returned {}", key, ttl, result);
if (!this.commands.expire(key, ttl)) {
LOG.warn("Redis EXPIRE key <{}> to <{}> returned false (key does not exist or the timeout could not be set)", key, ttl);
return LookupResult.withError();
final String value = this.commands.get(key);
return LookupResult.single(value.toString());
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.error("Redis EXPIRE key <{}> to <{}> returned {}", key, ttl, e);
return LookupResult.withError(e.toString());
return LookupResult.single(this.commands.get(key).toString());
catch (Exception e) {
// lettuce 6.3.0 returns "WRONGTYPE Operation against a key holding the wrong kind of value" when EXPIRE on a list key, but do the job.
if (e.getMessage().startsWith("WRONGTYPE Operation against a key holding the wrong kind of value")) {
} else {
LOG.error("Exception: Redis EXPIRE key <{}> to <{}> returned {}", key, ttl, e);
return LookupResult.withError(e.toString());
return LookupResult.single(this.commands.get(key).toString());
private LookupResult setPersist(String key) {
try {
final Boolean result = this.commands.persist(key);
if (!result) {
LOG.warn("Redis PERSIST key <{}> returned {}", key, result);
if (!this.commands.persist(key)) {
LOG.debug("Redis PERSIST key <{}> returned false (key does not exist or does not have an associated timeout)", key);
return LookupResult.withError();
final String value = this.commands.get(key);
return LookupResult.single(value.toString());
return LookupResult.single(this.commands.get(key).toString());
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.error("Redis PERSIST key <{}> returned {}", key, e);
LOG.error("Exception: Redis PERSIST key <{}> returned {}", key, e);
return LookupResult.withError(e.toString());
@ -257,9 +283,40 @@ public class RedisLookupDataAdapter extends LookupDataAdapter {
return setPersist(trimmedKey);
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.error("assignTtl <{}> to key <{}> returned {}", ttlSec, trimmedKey, e);
return LookupResult.withError();
// lettuce 6.3.0 returns "WRONGTYPE Operation against a key holding the wrong kind of value" when TTL on a list key, but do the job.
if (e.getMessage().startsWith("WRONGTYPE Operation against a key holding the wrong kind of value")) {
} else {
LOG.error("Exception: assignTtl <{}> to key <{}> returned {}", ttlSec, trimmedKey, e);
return LookupResult.withError();
} finally {
return LookupResult.single(this.commands.get(trimmedKey));
public LookupResult addStringList(Object key, List<String> listValue, boolean keepDuplicates) {
final Timer.Context time = redisAddStringListRequestTimer.time();
final String trimmedKey = StringUtils.trimToNull(key.toString());
if (trimmedKey == null) {
LOG.debug("A blank key was supplied");
return getEmptyResult();
try {
if (!keepDuplicates) {
removeStringList(trimmedKey, listValue);
final Long len = this.commands.rpush(trimmedKey, listValue.toArray(new String[0]));
if (len > 0) {
return LookupResult.withoutTTL().stringListValue(this.commands.lrange(trimmedKey, 0, -1)).build();
return LookupResult.empty();
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.error("Exception: Redis RPUSH request error for key <{}>: <{}>", trimmedKey, e);
return LookupResult.empty();
} finally {
@ -267,7 +324,70 @@ public class RedisLookupDataAdapter extends LookupDataAdapter {
public LookupResult setStringList(Object key, List<String> listValue) {
return LookupResult.empty();
final Timer.Context time = redisSetStringListRequestTimer.time();
final String trimmedKey = StringUtils.trimToNull(key.toString());
if (trimmedKey == null) {
LOG.debug("A blank key was supplied");
return getEmptyResult();
try {
// We need to replace list, so we delete it first
this.commands.ltrim(trimmedKey, 1, 0);
final Long len = this.commands.rpush(trimmedKey, listValue.toArray(new String[0]));
if (len > 0) {
return LookupResult.withoutTTL().stringListValue(this.commands.lrange(trimmedKey, 0, -1)).build();
return LookupResult.empty();
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.error("Exception: Redis RPUSH request error for key <{}>: <{}>", trimmedKey, e);
return LookupResult.empty();
} finally {
public LookupResult setStringListWithTtl(Object key, List<String> listValue, Long ttlSec) {
final Timer.Context time = redisSetStringListWithTtlRequestTimer.time();
try {
setStringList(key, listValue);
return(assignTtl(key, ttlSec));
} catch (Exception e) {
// This exception comes from assignTtl
if (e.getMessage().startsWith("WRONGTYPE Operation against a key holding the wrong kind of value")) {
} else {
LOG.error("Exception: Redis RPUSH request error for key <{}>: <{}>", key, e);
return LookupResult.empty();
} finally {
return LookupResult.withoutTTL().stringListValue(this.commands.lrange(StringUtils.trimToNull(key.toString()), 0, -1)).build();
public LookupResult removeStringList(Object key, List<String> listValue) {
final Timer.Context time = redisRemoveStringListRequestTimer.time();
final String trimmedKey = StringUtils.trimToNull(key.toString());
if (trimmedKey == null) {
LOG.debug("A blank key was supplied");
return getEmptyResult();
try {
long removed = 0;
for (String value : listValue) {
removed += this.commands.lrem(trimmedKey, 0, value);
LOG.debug("Redis LREM for key <{}> and value <{}> deleted <{}> items", trimmedKey, listValue, removed);
return LookupResult.withoutTTL().stringListValue(this.commands.lrange(trimmedKey, 0, -1)).build();
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.error("Exception: Redis LREM request error for key <{}> and value <{}>: <{}>", trimmedKey, listValue, e);
return LookupResult.empty();
} finally {
public interface Factory extends LookupDataAdapter.Factory2<RedisLookupDataAdapter> {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user