Add gocage list snapshot myjail
This commit is contained in:
@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ import (
* List all properties a jail have, with their internal name
* Only print properties name. To get name & values, use GetJailProperties()
func ListJailsProps(args []string) {
var conf Jail
@ -98,7 +99,7 @@ func ListJails(args []string, display bool) {
/ We support 3 sort criteria max
if len(gSortFields) > 0 && gSortFields != "none" {
js := initSortStruct()
js := initJailSortStruct()
// The way we manage criteria quantity is not very elegant...
var fct1, fct2, fct3 *reflect.Value
@ -126,11 +127,11 @@ func ListJails(args []string, display bool) {
switch len(strings.Split(gSortFields, ",")) {
case 1:
case 2:
OrderedBy(fct1.Interface().(lessFunc), fct2.Interface().(lessFunc)).Sort(jails)
JailsOrderedBy(fct1.Interface().(jailLessFunc), fct2.Interface().(jailLessFunc)).Sort(jails)
case 3:
OrderedBy(fct1.Interface().(lessFunc), fct2.Interface().(lessFunc), fct3.Interface().(lessFunc)).Sort(jails)
JailsOrderedBy(fct1.Interface().(jailLessFunc), fct2.Interface().(jailLessFunc), fct3.Interface().(jailLessFunc)).Sort(jails)
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import (
@ -27,9 +28,11 @@ var (
gNoLineSep bool
gHostVersion float64
gTimeZone string
rootCmd = & cobra.Command{
rootCmd = & cobra.Command {
Use: "gocage",
Short: "GoCage is a FreeBSD Jail management tool",
Long: `GoCage is a jail management tool. It support VNET, host-only, NAT networks. Provides snapshots and cloning.
@ -40,7 +43,7 @@ It support iocage jails and can coexist with iocage.`,
versionCmd = &cobra.Command{
versionCmd = &cobra.Command {
Use: "version",
Short: "Print the version number of GoCage",
Long: `Let this show you how much fail I had to get this *cough* perfect`,
@ -50,7 +53,7 @@ It support iocage jails and can coexist with iocage.`,
listCmd = &cobra.Command{
listCmd = &cobra.Command {
Use: "list",
Short: "Print jails",
Long: `Display jails, their IP and OS.
@ -62,7 +65,7 @@ ex: gocage list srv-db srv-web`,
listPropsCmd = &cobra.Command{
listPropsCmd = &cobra.Command {
Use: "properties",
Short: "Print jails properties",
Long: "Display jails properties. You can use properties to filter, get or set them.",
@ -72,54 +75,77 @@ ex: gocage list srv-db srv-web`,
stopCmd = &cobra.Command{
stopCmd = &cobra.Command {
Use: "stop",
Short: "stop jail",
Long: "shutdown jail",
Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
// Get the inventory
// Load inventory
ListJails(args, false)
startCmd = &cobra.Command{
startCmd = &cobra.Command {
Use: "start",
Short: "start jail",
Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
// Get the inventory
// Load inventory
ListJails(args, false)
setCmd = &cobra.Command{
setCmd = &cobra.Command {
Use: "set",
Short: "Set a jail property",
Long: `Set jail property value. Specify property=value, end command with jail name.
Multiples properties can be specified, separated with space (Ex: gocage set allow_mlock=1 boot=1 myjail)`,
Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
// Get the inventory
// Load inventory
ListJails(args, false)
getCmd = &cobra.Command{
getCmd = &cobra.Command {
Use: "get",
Short: "Get a jail property",
Long: `Get jail property value. Specify property, end command with jail name.
Short: "Get a jail property",
Long: `Get jail property value. Specify property, end command with jail name.
Multiples properties can be specified, separated with space (Ex: gocage get allow_mlock boot myjail)
For all properties specify "all" (Ex: gocage get all myjail)`,
Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
// Get the inventory
ListJails(args, false)
Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
// Load inventory
ListJails(args, false)
snapshotCmd = &cobra.Command {
Use: "snapshot",
Short: "snapshot jail",
Long: "Commands to manage jail snapshots. If no arguments given, ",
Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
snapshotListCmd = &cobra.Command {
Use: "list",
Short: "list snapshots",
Long: `List snapshots of a jail by specifying its name.
List all snapshots if no jail name specified.
You can specify multiple jails.`,
Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
// Load inventory
ListJails(args, false)
@ -131,6 +157,7 @@ func init() {
// Global switches
rootCmd.PersistentFlags().StringVarP(&gConfigFile, "config", "c", "/usr/local/etc/gocage.conf.yml", "GoCage configuration file")
rootCmd.PersistentFlags().BoolVarP(&gUseSudo, "sudo", "u", false, "Use sudo to run commands")
rootCmd.PersistentFlags().StringVarP(&gTimeZone, "timezone", "t", "", "Specify timezone. Will get from /var/db/zoneinfo if not set.")
// Command dependant switches
listCmd.PersistentFlags().StringVarP(&gDisplayColumns, "outcol", "o", "JID,Name,Config.Release,Config.Ip4_addr,Running", "Show these columns in output")
@ -146,6 +173,8 @@ func init() {
// Get FreeBSD version
out, err := executeCommand("freebsd-version")
@ -180,6 +209,18 @@ func initConfig() {
if rootCmd.Flags().Lookup("sudo") != nil && false == rootCmd.Flags().Lookup("sudo").Changed {
gUseSudo = viper.GetBool("sudo")
if rootCmd.Flags().Lookup("timezone") != nil && false == rootCmd.Flags().Lookup("timezone").Changed {
gTimeZone = viper.GetString("timezone")
// If neither on cmdline nor config file, get from /var/db/zoneinfo
if len(gTimeZone) == 0 {
tz, err := ioutil.ReadFile("/var/db/zoneinfo")
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Error reading /var/db/zoneinfo: %s\n", err.Error())
gTimeZone = strings.Trim(string(tz), "\n")
if listCmd.Flags().Lookup("outcol") != nil && false == listCmd.Flags().Lookup("outcol").Changed {
gDisplayColumns = viper.GetString("outcol")
@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
package cmd
import (
// To allow sorting, just duplicate fields in JailSort below
type Jail struct {
@ -174,303 +177,323 @@ type Mount struct {
Fs_Passno int
// This struct hold "sort by jail fields" functions
type lessFunc func(j1 *Jail, j2 *Jail) bool
type Snapshot struct {
// snapshot name is stored after '@' in dataset name
Name string
Dsname string
Mountpoint string
Used string
Referenced string
Creation time.Time
// Fields in this struct are acquired by their name using reflection
// So these char are forbidden for field name: -+.
type JailSort struct {
NameInc lessFunc
NameDec lessFunc
InternalNameInc lessFunc
InternalNameDec lessFunc
JIDInc lessFunc
JIDDec lessFunc
RootPathInc lessFunc
RootPathDec lessFunc
ConfigPathInc lessFunc
ConfigPathDec lessFunc
RunningInc lessFunc
RunningDec lessFunc
ZpoolInc lessFunc
ZpoolDec lessFunc
NameInc jailLessFunc
NameDec jailLessFunc
InternalNameInc jailLessFunc
InternalNameDec jailLessFunc
JIDInc jailLessFunc
JIDDec jailLessFunc
RootPathInc jailLessFunc
RootPathDec jailLessFunc
ConfigPathInc jailLessFunc
ConfigPathDec jailLessFunc
RunningInc jailLessFunc
RunningDec jailLessFunc
ZpoolInc jailLessFunc
ZpoolDec jailLessFunc
Config JailConfigSort
type JailConfigSort struct {
Config_versionInc lessFunc
Config_versionDec lessFunc
Allow_chflagsInc lessFunc
Allow_chflagsDec lessFunc
Allow_mlockInc lessFunc
Allow_mlockDec lessFunc
Allow_mountInc lessFunc
Allow_mountDec lessFunc
Allow_mount_devfsInc lessFunc
Allow_mount_devfsDec lessFunc
Allow_mount_fusefsInc lessFunc
Allow_mount_fusefsDec lessFunc
Allow_mount_nullfsInc lessFunc
Allow_mount_nullfsDec lessFunc
Allow_mount_procfsInc lessFunc
Allow_mount_procfsDec lessFunc
Allow_mount_tmpfsInc lessFunc
Allow_mount_tmpfsDec lessFunc
Allow_mount_zfsInc lessFunc
Allow_mount_zfsDec lessFunc
Allow_quotasInc lessFunc
Allow_quotasDec lessFunc
Allow_raw_socketsInc lessFunc
Allow_raw_socketsDec lessFunc
Allow_set_hostnameInc lessFunc
Allow_set_hostnameDec lessFunc
Allow_socket_afInc lessFunc
Allow_socket_afDec lessFunc
Allow_sysvipcInc lessFunc
Allow_sysvipcDec lessFunc
Allow_tunInc lessFunc
Allow_tunDec lessFunc
Allow_vmmInc lessFunc
Allow_vmmDec lessFunc
Assign_localhostInc lessFunc
Assign_localhostDec lessFunc
AvailableInc lessFunc
AvailableDec lessFunc
BasejailInc lessFunc
BasejailDec lessFunc
BootInc lessFunc
BootDec lessFunc
BpfInc lessFunc
BpfDec lessFunc
Children_maxInc lessFunc
Children_maxDec lessFunc
Cloned_releaseInc lessFunc
Cloned_releaseDec lessFunc
CommentInc lessFunc
CommentDec lessFunc
CompressionInc lessFunc
CompressionDec lessFunc
CompressratioInc lessFunc
CompressratioDec lessFunc
CoredumpsizeInc lessFunc
CoredumpsizeDec lessFunc
CountInc lessFunc
CountDec lessFunc
CpusetInc lessFunc
CpusetDec lessFunc
CputimeInc lessFunc
CputimeDec lessFunc
DatasizeInc lessFunc
DatasizeDec lessFunc
DedupInc lessFunc
DedupDec lessFunc
DefaultrouterInc lessFunc
DefaultrouterDec lessFunc
Defaultrouter6Inc lessFunc
Defaultrouter6Dec lessFunc
DependsInc lessFunc
DependsDec lessFunc
Devfs_rulesetInc lessFunc
Devfs_rulesetDec lessFunc
DhcpInc lessFunc
DhcpDec lessFunc
Enforce_statfsInc lessFunc
Enforce_statfsDec lessFunc
Exec_cleanInc lessFunc
Exec_cleanDec lessFunc
Exec_createdInc lessFunc
Exec_createdDec lessFunc
Exec_fibInc lessFunc
Exec_fibDec lessFunc
Exec_jail_userInc lessFunc
Exec_jail_userDec lessFunc
Exec_poststartInc lessFunc
Exec_poststartDec lessFunc
Exec_poststopInc lessFunc
Exec_poststopDec lessFunc
Exec_prestartInc lessFunc
Exec_prestartDec lessFunc
Exec_prestopInc lessFunc
Exec_prestopDec lessFunc
Exec_startInc lessFunc
Exec_startDec lessFunc
Exec_stopInc lessFunc
Exec_stopDec lessFunc
Exec_system_jail_userInc lessFunc
Exec_system_jail_userDec lessFunc
Exec_system_userInc lessFunc
Exec_system_userDec lessFunc
Exec_timeoutInc lessFunc
Exec_timeoutDec lessFunc
Host_domainnameInc lessFunc
Host_domainnameDec lessFunc
Host_hostnameInc lessFunc
Host_hostnameDec lessFunc
Host_hostuuidInc lessFunc
Host_hostuuidDec lessFunc
Host_timeInc lessFunc
Host_timeDec lessFunc
HostidInc lessFunc
HostidDec lessFunc
Hostid_strict_checkInc lessFunc
Hostid_strict_checkDec lessFunc
InterfacesInc lessFunc
InterfacesDec lessFunc
Ip4Inc lessFunc
Ip4Dec lessFunc
Ip4_addrInc lessFunc
Ip4_addrDec lessFunc
Ip4_saddrselInc lessFunc
Ip4_saddrselDec lessFunc
Ip6Inc lessFunc
Ip6Dec lessFunc
Ip6_addrInc lessFunc
Ip6_addrDec lessFunc
Ip6_saddrselInc lessFunc
Ip6_saddrselDec lessFunc
Ip_hostnameInc lessFunc
Ip_hostnameDec lessFunc
Jail_zfsInc lessFunc
Jail_zfsDec lessFunc
Jail_zfs_datasetInc lessFunc
Jail_zfs_datasetDec lessFunc
Jail_zfs_mountpointInc lessFunc
Jail_zfs_mountpointDec lessFunc
Last_startedInc lessFunc
Last_startedDec lessFunc
Localhost_ipInc lessFunc
Localhost_ipDec lessFunc
Login_flagsInc lessFunc
Login_flagsDec lessFunc
Mac_prefixInc lessFunc
Mac_prefixDec lessFunc
MaxprocInc lessFunc
MaxprocDec lessFunc
MemorylockedInc lessFunc
MemorylockedDec lessFunc
MemoryuseInc lessFunc
MemoryuseDec lessFunc
Min_dyn_devfs_rulesetInc lessFunc
Min_dyn_devfs_rulesetDec lessFunc
Mount_devfsInc lessFunc
Mount_devfsDec lessFunc
Mount_fdescfsInc lessFunc
Mount_fdescfsDec lessFunc
Mount_linprocfsInc lessFunc
Mount_linprocfsDec lessFunc
Mount_procfsInc lessFunc
Mount_procfsDec lessFunc
MountpointInc lessFunc
MountpointDec lessFunc
MsgqqueuedInc lessFunc
MsgqqueuedDec lessFunc
MsgqsizeInc lessFunc
MsgqsizeDec lessFunc
NatInc lessFunc
NatDec lessFunc
Nat_backendInc lessFunc
Nat_backendDec lessFunc
Nat_forwardsInc lessFunc
Nat_forwardsDec lessFunc
Nat_interfaceInc lessFunc
Nat_interfaceDec lessFunc
Nat_prefixInc lessFunc
Nat_prefixDec lessFunc
NmsgqInc lessFunc
NmsgqDec lessFunc
NotesInc lessFunc
NotesDec lessFunc
NsemInc lessFunc
NsemDec lessFunc
NsemopInc lessFunc
NsemopDec lessFunc
NshmInc lessFunc
NshmDec lessFunc
NthrInc lessFunc
NthrDec lessFunc
OpenfilesInc lessFunc
OpenfilesDec lessFunc
OriginInc lessFunc
OriginDec lessFunc
OwnerInc lessFunc
OwnerDec lessFunc
PcpuInc lessFunc
PcpuDec lessFunc
Plugin_nameInc lessFunc
Plugin_nameDec lessFunc
Plugin_repositoryInc lessFunc
Plugin_repositoryDec lessFunc
PriorityInc lessFunc
PriorityDec lessFunc
PseudoterminalsInc lessFunc
PseudoterminalsDec lessFunc
QuotaInc lessFunc
QuotaDec lessFunc
ReadbpsInc lessFunc
ReadbpsDec lessFunc
ReadiopsInc lessFunc
ReadiopsDec lessFunc
ReleaseInc lessFunc
ReleaseDec lessFunc
ReservationInc lessFunc
ReservationDec lessFunc
ResolverInc lessFunc
ResolverDec lessFunc
RlimitsInc lessFunc
RlimitsDec lessFunc
RtsoldInc lessFunc
RtsoldDec lessFunc
SecurelevelInc lessFunc
SecurelevelDec lessFunc
ShmsizeInc lessFunc
ShmsizeDec lessFunc
StacksizeInc lessFunc
StacksizeDec lessFunc
Stop_timeoutInc lessFunc
Stop_timeoutDec lessFunc
SwapuseInc lessFunc
SwapuseDec lessFunc
Sync_stateInc lessFunc
Sync_stateDec lessFunc
Sync_targetInc lessFunc
Sync_targetDec lessFunc
Sync_tgt_zpoolInc lessFunc
Sync_tgt_zpoolDec lessFunc
SysvmsgInc lessFunc
SysvmsgDec lessFunc
SysvsemInc lessFunc
SysvsemDec lessFunc
SysvshmInc lessFunc
SysvshmDec lessFunc
TemplateInc lessFunc
TemplateDec lessFunc
JailtypeInc lessFunc
JailtypeDec lessFunc
UsedInc lessFunc
UsedDec lessFunc
VmemoryuseInc lessFunc
VmemoryuseDec lessFunc
VnetInc lessFunc
VnetDec lessFunc
Vnet0_macInc lessFunc
Vnet0_macDec lessFunc
Vnet1_macInc lessFunc
Vnet1_macDec lessFunc
Vnet2_macInc lessFunc
Vnet2_macDec lessFunc
Vnet3_macInc lessFunc
Vnet3_macDec lessFunc
Vnet_default_interfaceInc lessFunc
Vnet_default_interfaceDec lessFunc
Vnet_interfacesInc lessFunc
Vnet_interfacesDec lessFunc
WallclockInc lessFunc
WallclockDec lessFunc
WritebpsInc lessFunc
WritebpsDec lessFunc
WriteiopsInc lessFunc
WriteiopsDec lessFunc
Config_versionInc jailLessFunc
Config_versionDec jailLessFunc
Allow_chflagsInc jailLessFunc
Allow_chflagsDec jailLessFunc
Allow_mlockInc jailLessFunc
Allow_mlockDec jailLessFunc
Allow_mountInc jailLessFunc
Allow_mountDec jailLessFunc
Allow_mount_devfsInc jailLessFunc
Allow_mount_devfsDec jailLessFunc
Allow_mount_fusefsInc jailLessFunc
Allow_mount_fusefsDec jailLessFunc
Allow_mount_nullfsInc jailLessFunc
Allow_mount_nullfsDec jailLessFunc
Allow_mount_procfsInc jailLessFunc
Allow_mount_procfsDec jailLessFunc
Allow_mount_tmpfsInc jailLessFunc
Allow_mount_tmpfsDec jailLessFunc
Allow_mount_zfsInc jailLessFunc
Allow_mount_zfsDec jailLessFunc
Allow_quotasInc jailLessFunc
Allow_quotasDec jailLessFunc
Allow_raw_socketsInc jailLessFunc
Allow_raw_socketsDec jailLessFunc
Allow_set_hostnameInc jailLessFunc
Allow_set_hostnameDec jailLessFunc
Allow_socket_afInc jailLessFunc
Allow_socket_afDec jailLessFunc
Allow_sysvipcInc jailLessFunc
Allow_sysvipcDec jailLessFunc
Allow_tunInc jailLessFunc
Allow_tunDec jailLessFunc
Allow_vmmInc jailLessFunc
Allow_vmmDec jailLessFunc
Assign_localhostInc jailLessFunc
Assign_localhostDec jailLessFunc
AvailableInc jailLessFunc
AvailableDec jailLessFunc
BasejailInc jailLessFunc
BasejailDec jailLessFunc
BootInc jailLessFunc
BootDec jailLessFunc
BpfInc jailLessFunc
BpfDec jailLessFunc
Children_maxInc jailLessFunc
Children_maxDec jailLessFunc
Cloned_releaseInc jailLessFunc
Cloned_releaseDec jailLessFunc
CommentInc jailLessFunc
CommentDec jailLessFunc
CompressionInc jailLessFunc
CompressionDec jailLessFunc
CompressratioInc jailLessFunc
CompressratioDec jailLessFunc
CoredumpsizeInc jailLessFunc
CoredumpsizeDec jailLessFunc
CountInc jailLessFunc
CountDec jailLessFunc
CpusetInc jailLessFunc
CpusetDec jailLessFunc
CputimeInc jailLessFunc
CputimeDec jailLessFunc
DatasizeInc jailLessFunc
DatasizeDec jailLessFunc
DedupInc jailLessFunc
DedupDec jailLessFunc
DefaultrouterInc jailLessFunc
DefaultrouterDec jailLessFunc
Defaultrouter6Inc jailLessFunc
Defaultrouter6Dec jailLessFunc
DependsInc jailLessFunc
DependsDec jailLessFunc
Devfs_rulesetInc jailLessFunc
Devfs_rulesetDec jailLessFunc
DhcpInc jailLessFunc
DhcpDec jailLessFunc
Enforce_statfsInc jailLessFunc
Enforce_statfsDec jailLessFunc
Exec_cleanInc jailLessFunc
Exec_cleanDec jailLessFunc
Exec_createdInc jailLessFunc
Exec_createdDec jailLessFunc
Exec_fibInc jailLessFunc
Exec_fibDec jailLessFunc
Exec_jail_userInc jailLessFunc
Exec_jail_userDec jailLessFunc
Exec_poststartInc jailLessFunc
Exec_poststartDec jailLessFunc
Exec_poststopInc jailLessFunc
Exec_poststopDec jailLessFunc
Exec_prestartInc jailLessFunc
Exec_prestartDec jailLessFunc
Exec_prestopInc jailLessFunc
Exec_prestopDec jailLessFunc
Exec_startInc jailLessFunc
Exec_startDec jailLessFunc
Exec_stopInc jailLessFunc
Exec_stopDec jailLessFunc
Exec_system_jail_userInc jailLessFunc
Exec_system_jail_userDec jailLessFunc
Exec_system_userInc jailLessFunc
Exec_system_userDec jailLessFunc
Exec_timeoutInc jailLessFunc
Exec_timeoutDec jailLessFunc
Host_domainnameInc jailLessFunc
Host_domainnameDec jailLessFunc
Host_hostnameInc jailLessFunc
Host_hostnameDec jailLessFunc
Host_hostuuidInc jailLessFunc
Host_hostuuidDec jailLessFunc
Host_timeInc jailLessFunc
Host_timeDec jailLessFunc
HostidInc jailLessFunc
HostidDec jailLessFunc
Hostid_strict_checkInc jailLessFunc
Hostid_strict_checkDec jailLessFunc
InterfacesInc jailLessFunc
InterfacesDec jailLessFunc
Ip4Inc jailLessFunc
Ip4Dec jailLessFunc
Ip4_addrInc jailLessFunc
Ip4_addrDec jailLessFunc
Ip4_saddrselInc jailLessFunc
Ip4_saddrselDec jailLessFunc
Ip6Inc jailLessFunc
Ip6Dec jailLessFunc
Ip6_addrInc jailLessFunc
Ip6_addrDec jailLessFunc
Ip6_saddrselInc jailLessFunc
Ip6_saddrselDec jailLessFunc
Ip_hostnameInc jailLessFunc
Ip_hostnameDec jailLessFunc
Jail_zfsInc jailLessFunc
Jail_zfsDec jailLessFunc
Jail_zfs_datasetInc jailLessFunc
Jail_zfs_datasetDec jailLessFunc
Jail_zfs_mountpointInc jailLessFunc
Jail_zfs_mountpointDec jailLessFunc
Last_startedInc jailLessFunc
Last_startedDec jailLessFunc
Localhost_ipInc jailLessFunc
Localhost_ipDec jailLessFunc
Login_flagsInc jailLessFunc
Login_flagsDec jailLessFunc
Mac_prefixInc jailLessFunc
Mac_prefixDec jailLessFunc
MaxprocInc jailLessFunc
MaxprocDec jailLessFunc
MemorylockedInc jailLessFunc
MemorylockedDec jailLessFunc
MemoryuseInc jailLessFunc
MemoryuseDec jailLessFunc
Min_dyn_devfs_rulesetInc jailLessFunc
Min_dyn_devfs_rulesetDec jailLessFunc
Mount_devfsInc jailLessFunc
Mount_devfsDec jailLessFunc
Mount_fdescfsInc jailLessFunc
Mount_fdescfsDec jailLessFunc
Mount_linprocfsInc jailLessFunc
Mount_linprocfsDec jailLessFunc
Mount_procfsInc jailLessFunc
Mount_procfsDec jailLessFunc
MountpointInc jailLessFunc
MountpointDec jailLessFunc
MsgqqueuedInc jailLessFunc
MsgqqueuedDec jailLessFunc
MsgqsizeInc jailLessFunc
MsgqsizeDec jailLessFunc
NatInc jailLessFunc
NatDec jailLessFunc
Nat_backendInc jailLessFunc
Nat_backendDec jailLessFunc
Nat_forwardsInc jailLessFunc
Nat_forwardsDec jailLessFunc
Nat_interfaceInc jailLessFunc
Nat_interfaceDec jailLessFunc
Nat_prefixInc jailLessFunc
Nat_prefixDec jailLessFunc
NmsgqInc jailLessFunc
NmsgqDec jailLessFunc
NotesInc jailLessFunc
NotesDec jailLessFunc
NsemInc jailLessFunc
NsemDec jailLessFunc
NsemopInc jailLessFunc
NsemopDec jailLessFunc
NshmInc jailLessFunc
NshmDec jailLessFunc
NthrInc jailLessFunc
NthrDec jailLessFunc
OpenfilesInc jailLessFunc
OpenfilesDec jailLessFunc
OriginInc jailLessFunc
OriginDec jailLessFunc
OwnerInc jailLessFunc
OwnerDec jailLessFunc
PcpuInc jailLessFunc
PcpuDec jailLessFunc
Plugin_nameInc jailLessFunc
Plugin_nameDec jailLessFunc
Plugin_repositoryInc jailLessFunc
Plugin_repositoryDec jailLessFunc
PriorityInc jailLessFunc
PriorityDec jailLessFunc
PseudoterminalsInc jailLessFunc
PseudoterminalsDec jailLessFunc
QuotaInc jailLessFunc
QuotaDec jailLessFunc
ReadbpsInc jailLessFunc
ReadbpsDec jailLessFunc
ReadiopsInc jailLessFunc
ReadiopsDec jailLessFunc
ReleaseInc jailLessFunc
ReleaseDec jailLessFunc
ReservationInc jailLessFunc
ReservationDec jailLessFunc
ResolverInc jailLessFunc
ResolverDec jailLessFunc
RlimitsInc jailLessFunc
RlimitsDec jailLessFunc
RtsoldInc jailLessFunc
RtsoldDec jailLessFunc
SecurelevelInc jailLessFunc
SecurelevelDec jailLessFunc
ShmsizeInc jailLessFunc
ShmsizeDec jailLessFunc
StacksizeInc jailLessFunc
StacksizeDec jailLessFunc
Stop_timeoutInc jailLessFunc
Stop_timeoutDec jailLessFunc
SwapuseInc jailLessFunc
SwapuseDec jailLessFunc
Sync_stateInc jailLessFunc
Sync_stateDec jailLessFunc
Sync_targetInc jailLessFunc
Sync_targetDec jailLessFunc
Sync_tgt_zpoolInc jailLessFunc
Sync_tgt_zpoolDec jailLessFunc
SysvmsgInc jailLessFunc
SysvmsgDec jailLessFunc
SysvsemInc jailLessFunc
SysvsemDec jailLessFunc
SysvshmInc jailLessFunc
SysvshmDec jailLessFunc
TemplateInc jailLessFunc
TemplateDec jailLessFunc
JailtypeInc jailLessFunc
JailtypeDec jailLessFunc
UsedInc jailLessFunc
UsedDec jailLessFunc
VmemoryuseInc jailLessFunc
VmemoryuseDec jailLessFunc
VnetInc jailLessFunc
VnetDec jailLessFunc
Vnet0_macInc jailLessFunc
Vnet0_macDec jailLessFunc
Vnet1_macInc jailLessFunc
Vnet1_macDec jailLessFunc
Vnet2_macInc jailLessFunc
Vnet2_macDec jailLessFunc
Vnet3_macInc jailLessFunc
Vnet3_macDec jailLessFunc
Vnet_default_interfaceInc jailLessFunc
Vnet_default_interfaceDec jailLessFunc
Vnet_interfacesInc jailLessFunc
Vnet_interfacesDec jailLessFunc
WallclockInc jailLessFunc
WallclockDec jailLessFunc
WritebpsInc jailLessFunc
WritebpsDec jailLessFunc
WriteiopsInc jailLessFunc
WriteiopsDec jailLessFunc
type SnapshotSort struct {
NameInc snapshotLessFunc
NameDec snapshotLessFunc
DsNameInc snapshotLessFunc
DsNameDec snapshotLessFunc
MountpointInc snapshotLessFunc
MountpointDec snapshotLessFunc
UsedInc snapshotLessFunc
UsedDec snapshotLessFunc
ReferencedInc snapshotLessFunc
ReferencedDec snapshotLessFunc
CreationInc snapshotLessFunc
CreationDec snapshotLessFunc
@ -503,9 +503,10 @@ func displayStructFields(jails []Jail, valsToDisplay []string) {
// already defined in cmd/struct.go
//type lessFunc func(j1 *Jail, j2 *Jail) bool
func initSortStruct() JailSort {
// This struct hold "sort by jail fields" functions
type jailLessFunc func(j1 *Jail, j2 *Jail) bool
func initJailSortStruct() JailSort {
jcs := JailConfigSort{
Allow_chflagsInc: func(j1, j2 *Jail) bool {
return j1.Config.Allow_chflags < j2.Config.Allow_chflags
@ -1374,34 +1375,34 @@ func initSortStruct() JailSort {
return js
// multiSorter implements the Sort interface, sorting the jails within.
type multiSorter struct {
// jailSorter implements the Sort interface, sorting the jails within.
type jailSorter struct {
jails []Jail
less []lessFunc
less []jailLessFunc
// Sort sorts the argument slice according to the less functions passed to OrderedBy.
func (ms *multiSorter) Sort(jails []Jail) {
ms.jails = jails
// Sort sorts the argument slice according to the less functions passed to JailsOrderedBy.
func (js *jailSorter) Sort(jails []Jail) {
js.jails = jails
// OrderedBy returns a Sorter that sorts using the less functions, in order.
// JailsOrderedBy returns a Sorter that sorts using the less functions, in order.
// Call its Sort method to sort the data.
func OrderedBy(less ...lessFunc) *multiSorter {
return &multiSorter{
func JailsOrderedBy(less ...jailLessFunc) *jailSorter {
return &jailSorter{
less: less,
// Len is part of sort.Interface.
func (ms *multiSorter) Len() int {
return len(ms.jails)
func (js *jailSorter) Len() int {
return len(js.jails)
// Swap is part of sort.Interface.
func (ms *multiSorter) Swap(i, j int) {
ms.jails[i], ms.jails[j] = ms.jails[j], ms.jails[i]
func (js *jailSorter) Swap(i, j int) {
js.jails[i], js.jails[j] = js.jails[j], js.jails[i]
// Less is part of sort.Interface. It is implemented by looping along the
@ -1410,12 +1411,12 @@ func (ms *multiSorter) Swap(i, j int) {
// less functions twice per call. We could change the functions to return
// -1, 0, 1 and reduce the number of calls for greater efficiency: an
// exercise for the reader.
func (ms *multiSorter) Less(i, j int) bool {
p, q := &ms.jails[i], &ms.jails[j]
func (js *jailSorter) Less(i, j int) bool {
p, q := &js.jails[i], &js.jails[j]
// Try all but the last comparison.
var k int
for k = 0; k < len(ms.less)-1; k++ {
less := ms.less[k]
for k = 0; k < len(js.less)-1; k++ {
less := js.less[k]
switch {
case less(p, q):
// p < q, so we have a decision.
@ -1428,9 +1429,119 @@ func (ms *multiSorter) Less(i, j int) bool {
// All comparisons to here said "equal", so just return whatever
// the final comparison reports.
return ms.less[k](p, q)
return js.less[k](p, q)
* Sorting snapshots
// This struct hold "sort by jail fields" functions
type snapshotLessFunc func(s1 *Snapshot, s2 *Snapshot) bool
func initSnapshotSortStruct() SnapshotSort {
ss := SnapshotSort{
NameInc: func(s1, s2 *Snapshot) bool {
return s1.Name < s2.Name
NameDec: func(s1, s2 *Snapshot) bool {
return s1.Name > s2.Name
DsNameInc: func(s1, s2 *Snapshot) bool {
return s1.Dsname < s2.Dsname
DsNameDec: func(s1, s2 *Snapshot) bool {
return s1.Dsname > s2.Dsname
MountpointInc: func(s1, s2 *Snapshot) bool {
return s1.Mountpoint < s2.Mountpoint
MountpointDec: func(s1, s2 *Snapshot) bool {
return s1.Mountpoint > s2.Mountpoint
UsedInc: func(s1, s2 *Snapshot) bool {
return s1.Used < s2.Used
UsedDec: func(s1, s2 *Snapshot) bool {
return s1.Used > s2.Used
ReferencedInc: func(s1, s2 *Snapshot) bool {
return s1.Referenced < s2.Referenced
ReferencedDec: func(s1, s2 *Snapshot) bool {
return s1.Referenced > s2.Referenced
CreationInc: func(s1, s2 *Snapshot) bool {
return s1.Creation.Unix() < s2.Creation.Unix()
CreationDec: func(s1, s2 *Snapshot) bool {
return s1.Creation.Unix() > s2.Creation.Unix()
return ss
// snapshotSorter implements the Sort interface, sorting the jails within.
type snapshotSorter struct {
snapshots []Snapshot
less []snapshotLessFunc
// Sort sorts the argument slice according to the less functions passed to OrderedBy.
func (ss *snapshotSorter) Sort(snapshots []Snapshot) {
ss.snapshots = snapshots
// OrderedBy returns a Sorter that sorts using the less functions, in order.
// Call its Sort method to sort the data.
func SnapshotsOrderedBy(less ...snapshotLessFunc) *snapshotSorter {
return &snapshotSorter{
less: less,
// Len is part of sort.Interface.
func (ss *snapshotSorter) Len() int {
return len(ss.snapshots)
// Swap is part of sort.Interface.
func (ss *snapshotSorter) Swap(i, j int) {
ss.snapshots[i], ss.snapshots[j] = ss.snapshots[j], ss.snapshots[i]
// Less is part of sort.Interface. It is implemented by looping along the
// less functions until it finds a comparison that discriminates between
// the two items (one is less than the other). Note that it can call the
// less functions twice per call. We could change the functions to return
// -1, 0, 1 and reduce the number of calls for greater efficiency: an
// exercise for the reader.
func (ss *snapshotSorter) Less(i, j int) bool {
p, q := &ss.snapshots[i], &ss.snapshots[j]
// Try all but the last comparison.
var k int
for k = 0; k < len(ss.less)-1; k++ {
less := ss.less[k]
switch {
case less(p, q):
// p < q, so we have a decision.
return true
case less(q, p):
// p > q, so we have a decision.
return false
// p == q; try the next comparison.
// All comparisons to here said "equal", so just return whatever
// the final comparison reports.
return ss.less[k](p, q)
* Generic utilities
Reference in New Issue
Block a user