# vim: ft=systemd [Unit] WantedBy=multi-user.target # See `man systemd.exec` and `man systemd.service` for most options below [Service] ExecStart=/path/to/reaction -c /etc/reaction.yml # Create an iptables chain for reaction ExecStartPre=/path/to/iptables -w -N reaction # Set its default to ACCEPT ExecStartPre=/path/to/iptables -w -A reaction -j ACCEPT # Always accept ExecStartPre=/path/to/iptables -w -I reaction 1 -s -j ACCEPT # Insert this chain as the first item of the INPUT chain (for incoming connections) ExecStartPre=/path/to/iptables -w -I INPUT -p all -j reaction # Remove the chain from the INPUT chain ExecStopPost=/path/to/iptables -w -D INPUT -p all -j reaction # Empty the chain ExecStopPost=/path/to/iptables -w -F reaction # Delete the chain ExecStopPost=/path/to/iptables -w -X reaction # Ask systemd to create /var/lib/reaction (/var/lib/ is implicit) StateDirectory=reaction # Ask systemd to create /run/reaction at runtime (/run/ is implicit) RuntimeDirectory=reaction # Start reaction in its state directory WorkingDirectory=/var/lib/reaction