GoCage ======= Jail management tool for FreeBSD, written in Go. Support iocage jails, so they can coexist. Gocage is meant to be a complete jail management tool with network, snapshots, jail cloning support and a web interface. This is the hypothetic future. Gocage can handle multiple datastores, so you can have jails on HDD storage and jails on SSD storage. List jails ---------- Nothing fancy, just use `gocage list` ### Specify fields to display Use -o to specify which fields you want to display:

gocage list -o JID,Name,Running,Config.Boot,Config.Comment  
| JID | Name     | Running | Config.Boot | Config.Comment |  
| 183 | test     | true    | 1           | none           |  
| 29  | srv-irc  | true    | 1           |                |  
|     | srv-web  | false   | 0           |                |  
| 22  | srv-dns1 | true    | 1           |                |  
See [cmd/struct.go](https://git.nosd.in/yo/gocage/src/branch/master/cmd/struct.go) for field names. Filter jails ---------- ### By name Just add name on gocage list command :

gocage list srv-bdd srv-web
| JID | Name    | Config.Release  | Config.Ip4_addr       | Running |
| 98  | srv-db  | 13.0-RELEASE-p5 | vnet0| | true    |
| 41  | srv-web | 13.0-RELEASE-p4 | vnet0| | true    |
### By field value You can filter jails with -f option, followed by key=value. Suppose you want to see only active at boot jails:

gocage list -f Config.Boot=1 -o JID,Name,Running,Config.Boot,Config.Comment
| JID | Name     | Running | Config.Boot | Config.Comment |
| 183 | test     | true    | 1           | none           |
| 29  | srv-irc  | true    | 1           |                |
|     | srv-db   | false   | 1           | none           |
| 22  | srv-dns1 | true    | 1           |                |
Now, only active at boot and running :

gocage list -f Config.Boot=1,Running=true -o JID,Name,Running,Config.Boot
| JID | Name     | Running | Config.Boot |
| 183 | test     | true    | 1           |
| 29  | srv-irc  | true    | 1           |
| 22  | srv-dns1 | true    | 1           |
Sort jails ---------- Use -s switch followed by sort criteria. Criteria is a field name, prefixed with + or - for sort order (increase/decrease):

gocage list -f Config.Boot=1,Running=true -o JID,Name,Running,Config.Boot -s +JID
| JID | Name     | Running | Config.Boot |
| 22  | srv-dns1 | true    | 1           |
| 29  | bdd-tst  | true    | 1           |
| 183 | test     | true    | 1           |
You can use up to 3 criteria, delimited with comma. As an example, you want to list boot priorities of automatically starting jails:

gocage list -o JID,Name,Config.Ip4_addr,Config.Priority,Config.Boot,Running -s -Config.Priority,-Config.Boot -f Running=true
| JID | Name         | Config.Ip4_addr       | Config.Priority | Config.Boot | Running |
| 1   | srv-dhcp     | vnet0|  | 99              | 1           | true    |
| 8   | srv-dns      | vnet0|  | 80              | 1           | true    |
| 7   | srv-random   | vnet0| | 20              | 1           | true    |
| 4   | coincoin     | vnet0|  | 20              | 0           | true    |
Stop jails ---------- `gocage stop test` Multi datastore ---------- A datastore is a ZFS dataset mounted. It should be declared in gocage.conf.yml, specifying its ZFS mountpoint :

  - /iocage
  - /fastiocage
In gocage commands, datastore name is the mountpoint without its "/" prefix. ### List datastores

gocage datastore list 
| Name       | Mountpoint  | ZFSDataset | Available | Used     | Referenced |
| iocage     | /iocage     | hdd/iocage | 1.6 TB    | 414.9 GB | 27.5 KB    |
| fastiocage | /fastiocage | ssd/iocage | 1.5 TB    | 65.3 KB  | 34.6 KB    |
#### Filter datastores As with jails and snapshots, you can filter by name:

gocage datastore list iocage
| Name       | Mountpoint  | ZFSDataset | Available | Used     | Referenced |
| iocage     | /iocage     | hdd/iocage | 1.6 TB    | 414.9 GB | 27.5 KB    |
#### Sort datastores You can sort datastores:

gocage datastore list -s -Available
| Name       | Mountpoint  | ZFSDataset | Available | Used     | Referenced |
| iocage     | /iocage     | hdd/iocage | 1.6 TB    | 415.0 GB | 27.5 KB    |
| fastiocage | /fastiocage | ssd/iocage | 1.5 TB    | 65.3 KB  | 34.6 KB    |
See [cmd/struct.go](https://git.nosd.in/yo/gocage/src/branch/master/cmd/struct.go) for field names. Migrating jails ---------- With multi datastore comes the need to migrate a jail between datastores. Migration can be done with a minimal downtime, using zfs differential send/receive. Source jail datasets are sent to the destination datastore, jail is stopped and a last differential sync is done before starting jail on new datastore.

gocage migrate -d fastiocage srv-random
Snapshot data/iocage/jails/srv-random: Done
Snapshot data/iocage/jails/srv-random/root: Done
Migrate jail config dataset to fastdata/iocage/jails/srv-random: Done
Migrate jail filesystem dataset to fastdata/iocage/jails/srv-random/root: Done